Sipson Airport

January 13th, 2009 § 3 comments


Welcome to airplot
That’s it, you’re in, you’re now a part of the plot to stop airport expansion.

You’ll hear more from us shortly about what you can do to help stop a third runway at Heathrow – we only got the papers through on the land last week, but there’s much more to come.

Welcome aboard.
the Airplot team

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§ 3 Responses to Sipson Airport"

  • Did you buy some of the land Sim-O?

    Marvellous, hope it stands up in court.

    Daniel Hoffmann-Gill’s last blog post..A Dull Roar

  • Sim-O says:

    No, I didn’t actually pay for it. Greenpeace has bought it, along with a couple of celebs and they sort of put your name on the deeds.

    I don’t think it will stand up in court. If it becomes the only bit of land left holding up the runway, a compulsory purchase order will be issued, which will be ignored and then the little plot of land will just be tarmac’d over anyway.

    It won’t work itself, but the publicity this stunt produces will help.

  • mike harris says:

    Can you provide more information on this?

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