Andrew Brons MEP is a twat

June 13th, 2009 § 2 comments


Andrew Brons MEP has opened his mouth and said that Kelly Holmes is a British citizen, but she is not British by identity. A current BNP line.

Yeah, yeah, fuck off. Identity is a personal intangible thing. It is for the person only to decide, not for others.

The BNP’s ultimate aim – as laid down in its constitution – is a return to a predominately white Britain that existed before the 1948 Nationality Act.

BBC News (February 2003)…

Almost 9% of us describe ourselves as non-white compared to under six percent 10 years ago. If you take away mixed-race identities that figure falls to just under 7.5%.

A far cry from the headlines in the run up to the 2001 Census which predicted that by 2010 white people would be the ethnic minority in places like Leicester and Birmingham.
The census is interesting in telling us where people have settled and continue to live

This fact was used by far right groups to whip up a spectre of Britain losing its indigenous racial identity.

If there were only 9% of people were non-white in 2001, I doubt it’s much different now, so aren’t the BNP pushing an open door? They’re rallying for something they already have.

So that’s it, then. They can shut up shop and fuck off.

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