Woman loses fight to wear cross

November 20th, 2006 § 0 comments

A British Airways (BA) employee has lost her fight to openly wear a cross necklace at work at Heathrow.

Nadia Eweida, 55, of Twickenham, London, has been on unpaid leave since her bosses said she could not visibly wear her cross at the check-in counter.

She found out she had lost her appeal against the decision by BA when she met with the airline bosses on Monday

She doesn’t look like a religious zealot, does she. She had my sympathy, because after all it is only a small cross, and as she says, people of other faiths can wear religious stuff, like headscarves (although there is debate as to whether the scarves and suchlike are religious or cultural).
But then…

Ms Eweida added: “I am fairly disappointed but I’m looking forward to the next stage because the cross is important and the truth will be revealed

Eh? The truth will be revealed? What truth? The truth about what? Surely you mean the judgement will be reversed? But that’s not really a truth is it Nadia? More of a, well, judgement.

And then the er, truth, is erm, revealed…

“It is important to wear it to express my faith so that other people will know that Jesus loves them.”

So it’s for our benefit you’re wearing a cross and going through court case. So we will know that Jesus loves us.

I don’t need saving, He’s your god, not mine.


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