Craig Murray has a new book out, The Catholic Orange-Men of Togo and other conflicts I have known.
This time though, he is self publishing, due to Schillings sending letters scaring publishers on behalf of people like Tim Spicer, a mercenery of the British in Iraq, who don’t like to have their questionable actions questioned, and don’t want to go to the courts when they are.
Anyway, the book is available for free (who says you never get anything for nothing , eh?), or in hard back, direct from Craig or from Amazon.
Ten Percent has a review and it’s fair to say, it’s good one, too.
I’ve bought it direct from the good man, hope it arrives soon.
Still having some feed problems with you in my blogroll, your rss doesn’t seem to come through all that often.
Daniel Hoffmann-Gill’s last blog post..America’s UN Resolution Abstention
Thanx for letting me know about the feed problem.