It’s been around for ages, putting a price per quantity on the little price tags on the shelf in supermarkets. It helps people compare items and it is A Good Thing.
Now, look at the the two pictures here…
I know it’s not advanced mathematics, you know, multiplying 67 x 10, but what is the thinking behind it? What’s wrong with putting them both in per/kg or per/100g? It’s not like the items are even different brands.
Some git has actually thought about it and decided to make life that little more awkward for some people. I know it sounds like a coincidence but today, I actually had some one ask me how many grams there are in a kilogram. It was an elderly chap, and probably still struggling with decimalisation, but it could’ve just as easily been someone with learning difficulties.
Why? What’s the point? Why make life more difficult than it need be?
It’s an attempt at deception – pure and simple.
I’m sick of traipsing round supermarkets, seeing ‘buy one get one free’ offers which, after a quick bit of calculation, reveals that the item is the same price per kilo as it was the previous week (or higher).
Packs of fruit and veg sometimes give a price per individual item so you can’t compare the cost per kilo unless there’s a set of scales handy.
One thing that is worth looking out for, though, are prepacked fresh foods.
You should get the minimum weight that it states on the pack but if you have the time (and are in the same financial situation as me), weigh two or three of them, buy the heaviest and you’ll find that you can get 20-25% better value even if you take the packaging into account.
Good spot.