Lets all give a big ‘ah’. Those horrible nasty leftie communist conspiracy loving traitors have made the BNP close it’s freepost address. From now on if you want to send the racist fucks anything you’ll have to pay for it yourself.
Please be aware that our FREEPOST address is no longer operational due to sustained abuse and illegal activity from our political opponents.
This matter is currently under police investigation and until further notice we would request that you use the following postal address instead;
Shame on you all. It’s not big and it not clever, but it was, apparently, expensive.
via T_P_W
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by William Wilcox, Sim-O. Sim-O said: New blog post: BNP close freepost address http://sim-o.me.uk/2009/12/bnp-close-freepost-address/ […]
Mwa ha ha haaaaa!
That is brilliant news!
.-= Daniel Hoffmann-Gll´s last blog ..The Ashford Resistance =-.