The electorate are cunts.
Yeah, I know that’s a big sweeping statement but how else can it be explained? Dr Evan Harris (Lib, Oxford West & Abingdon) lost his seat and Nadine Dorries (Con, Mid Beds) retains her seat with an increased majority. What sort of society are we living in that chucks out an MP that has a rational, evidence based approach to scientific issues? An MP that is against the encroachment of civil liberties and has a positive record on gay issues?
Whereas the other MP, Nadine Dorries has a provable track record of obfuscation and smears. Would rather listen to religious fundamentalists on public health issues because they say things that confirm her own prejudices and dismiss anything that doesn’t. An MP that would rather shout ‘stalker’ that engage in debate.
Where is the justice? Where is the sense?
Posted via email from Sim-O
File under: people get what they deserve.
.-= Daniel Hoffmann-Gll´s last blog ..The Official Blurred Clarity Post-Election Analysis =-.
Cheers, mate. I got a bloody Tory. ;-)