The Press Complaints Commission. In a nutshell is there to make help rectify inaccuracies in the printed media. It doesn’t help itself when itself is inaccurate.
The PCC recently claimed that the public has not lost confidence in it, but according to PCC Watch, the PCC needs to be clearer.
In it’s defence the PCC claimed 1700 rulings issued and more than 550 complaints resolved, but…
It is hard to understand how the PCC reached that figure. The 2009 annual report did not use the term ruling and the 2010 report is yet to be published. In the 550 resolved complaints the PCC does not come to a ruling – and Abell’s language suggests that the numbers are distinct. The PCC only actually adjudicated 44 complaints in 2010, of which 24 were not upheld. The PCC’s website records complaints about just 527 different articles.
and claimed more to have prevented more intrusive information being published more than 100 times whereas it cannot prevent anything, it can only advise.
and with the poll The PCC conducted to get the 79% of people have no concerns about the PCC, they used a company called Toluna…
Toluna is not a member of the British Polling Council, the self-regulatory organisation for opinion pollsters. Its services are not used by newspapers to commission opinion polls. Neither the questions asked of respondents nor the full results of the survey have been published.
It’s not really good enough for an regulatory body and pretty much sums up the PCC as whole.
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