said to be of muslim appearance

May 22nd, 2013 § 1 comment

The news is all about the killing in Woolwich, as you’d expect.

The reports are all very similar, but there is one line in The Sun that caught my eye as really rather odd.

The men were said to have been of Muslim appearance.

Said by who? Witnesses? The police? Or is it the opinion of Kay Morrison, Harry Haydon and Jo Sayer whose by line is on the article? It’s not in part of the copy quoting witnesses, it dumped twix a Whitehall statement and a sentence about Theresa May convening Cobra (Cobra ffs. They know nothing of these two guys and one man is dead. They had a gun and knives. That is hardly a national emergency). No other major paper carries a statement like it.

How can anyone tell these guys are muslims? They’re certainly hiding their beards well, and those turban things muslims wear have had a major redesign lately.

Thank you The Sun, for helping me identify dangerous muslims. I must remember then, ordinary everyday clothes, equals muslim.

Freezepage of the article here.

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