Daily Mail/ Councils FOI requests

September 25th, 2009 § 0 comments § permalink

Because of an idea in the comments of this post on Liberal Conspiracy, I fired a few FOI requests to whatdotheyknow.com.

I sent one to each of the following councils:

  • Vale Of White Horse District Council
  • Oxfordshire County Council
  • Oxford City Council
  • Abingdon Town Council (I made a bit of a pigs ear of that one so may have to submit another request if this one turns out to be shite)

asking for
– What are the top 10 websites visited by the Vale of White Horse
District Council staff during the months of June, July and August

– How many many minutes were spent on each site during the above

– How many people does the Vale of White Horse District Council

– How many times the Daily Mail website (any URL beginning
http://dailymail.co.uk) was accessed in the above months if not in
the top ten.

The prize for the quickest proper response goes to *drum roll*… The Vale of White Horse

Further to your recent FoI request please find attached reports on the
top ten sites visited by Vale employees during the months June – August

Unfortunately our software does not provide the functionality to report
on the number of minutes spent on each site, or to report on how many
times a particular website has been visited within a given period.

The Vale has 278 employees.

I hope this information is of assistance.

The results were sent in a .pdf format and are here, June, July and August.







More to follow… hopefully.

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