So what you’re saying is…

February 1st, 2008 § 0 comments § permalink


Let me see if I can get this straight. In Palestine, there is a state that was created out of the murder and ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands of the original inhabitants, which is fuelled by racism and religious fanaticism, and which has consistently murdered Palestinians and imposed forms of segregation on them in lieu of a just settlement. If you criticise this from any prominent position, you’re likely to be called an anti-Jewish racist – and there’s no Israel Lobby? Conversely, there is in the United States a powerful coalition of energy interests and finance-capital, interlocked with a state which has been engaged in the serious business of empire for over a century. It has built a coalition of popular support involving hard right Christians, racist crackers and militaristic gun nuts, behind a hard-right administration. But if it attacks an oil-rich country in the Middle East, it needs the permission of a small country in the Levant?

The Rest

Labels: Israel, USA

Tim Ireland/Bloggerheads: An Appeal

February 1st, 2008 § 0 comments § permalink

Q: What happens when a ‘libertarianwho steals images and bandwidth gets called a thief?

A: Out come the laywers. Amusingly, a tax laywer.

Tim Ireland:

Recently, I wrote an article about Paul Staines (you know him better as ‘Guido Fawkes’) stealing images and bandwidth. Now I’m getting threatening emails from his lawyer, Donal Blaney (you can’t see those, but you can see my replies).

To put it bluntly, I suspect that I am being targeted not because of what I said, but because of who I am.

Blaney appears to be very closely aligned to Staines personally, professionally and politically. He also appears to be an odd choice of lawyer for a libel case (if indeed one is truly in the offing), as his specialty/background is tax law.

Via Donal Blaney, Paul Staines has been badgering me to reveal my home address or retain the services of a lawyer in an effort to bully me into silence without true recourse to law.

It’s The Alisher Usmanov Affair all over again…. and I’d appreciate your support. Again.

After all, if some jumped-up blogger with a lawyer for a mate came after you, I’d be in your corner and slugging it out without hesitation.

Damn right I’d want Tim in my corner. For what it’s worth, I’m with you, Tim.

Labels: Blogging, Freedom of Speech, Law/Legal

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