Israel to grant citizenship to hundreds of refugees

September 6th, 2007 § 0 comments § permalink

From Haaretz:

Israel intends to grant citizenship to several hundred refugees from Darfur who are currently in the country, Interior Minister Meir Sheetrit said Tuesday.

According to the minister, Israel cannot ignore the refugees’ fate because of the history of the Jewish people. “Just as [former] prime minister Menachem Begin acted to grant citizenship to refugees from Vietnam, the same ought to be done today,” the minister said.

The Anti-Defamation League welcomed the government’s decision on the, saying “ADL has long believed that it is the moral duty of the Jewish nation to do all it can to alleviate human suffering caused by genocide wherever it arises.”

Oh the hypocracy of it all!!
Israel ‘cannot ignore the reugee’s fate because of the history of the Jewish people.’
The ‘moral duty of the Jewish nation to do all it can to alleviate human suffering caused by genocide…’
…except when it involves the slow 60 year genocide of the Palestinians.
Fine, help the Darfur refugees, that is not the problem, the problem here is the trumpeting of a moral duty to help when Israel is a chronic offender.

Well done Israel. Give your self a slap on the back, then get back to resolving the refugee problem that you’ve created.

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