I’ve just come from Little Miss -O’s school easter play. It was all very nice and jolly and everything you’d expect from a school production.
Being a Catholic school and with it being easter, I think, the play was a parable about a sunflower. The story of the Sunflower mirrored Jesus’s crucifiction and resurrection. The new seeds falling from the sunflower being the resurrection and the bringing of new life.
Everything being hunky dory until the following song…
Life is in the seed,
Life is in the seed,
But first the seed
Must fall and die
for new life to proceed.
Now, I know it’s a catholic school and I’ve got to accept some jumpsuit about miracles and zombies being fed to my lass. It’s nothing that can’t be detoxified, and to be honest she’s doing a good job of that herself.
Seriously though, dead seeds growing? Fortunately, Little Miss -O isn’t falling for that one.