Bhutto Assassinated

December 28th, 2007 § 0 comments


Pakistani former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto has been assassinated in a suicide attack.
Ms Bhutto – the first woman PM in an Islamic state – was leaving an election rally in Rawalpindi when a gunman shot her in the neck and set off a bomb.

I saw this last night, bit of a surprise, seeing as I haven’t seen the news for days, and then the first thing I see is something major like this.
I can’t say I am an expert on Pakistani politics, and I don’t think would have voted for her, but I think Pakistan will be poorer for her death and will take longer to settle down in the long run.

Bo Beau D’or has done an image that sums it up and Septicle Isle over at Obsolete has done the same with words.


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