EDM 401: Iraq Employees

December 5th, 2007 § 0 comments

EDM 401: Iraq Employees:

That this House recognises the courage of Iraqis who have worked alongside British troops and diplomats in southern Iraq, often saving British lives; notes that many such Iraqis have been targeted for murder by Iraqi militias in Basra, and that an unknown number have already been killed, whilst many others are in hiding; further recognises that many Iraqis who have worked for fewer than 12 months for the UK are threatened by death squads; and therefore calls upon the Prime Minister to meet the UK’s moral obligations by offering resettlement to all Iraqis who are threatened with death for the “crime” of helping British troops and diplomats.

Go here to see if your MP has signed it.

If they haven’t, send them a polite email asking them to, and if they won’t, why they won’t.

related: Dan Hardie: Letting Them Die

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