or more accurately, fuck off.
More than 1,400 rejected Iraqi asylum seekers are to be told they must go home or face destitution in Britain as the government considers Iraq safe enough to return them, according to leaked Home Office correspondence seen by the Guardian.
Hooray! Job done. Iraq is safe. Nice. Great.
Sorry? what’s that?
The Iraqis involved are to be told that unless they sign up for a voluntary return programme to Iraq within three weeks, they face being made homeless and losing state support.
Oh, right. Sounds harsh and not really making it voluntary but it shouldn’t be a problem, cos Iraq is now safe.
They will also be asked to sign a waiver agreeing the government will take no responsibility for what happens to them or their families once they return to Iraqi territory.
Oh. That kind of safe. Not the kind of safe that ordinary people mean when they say ‘safe’.
As BD in Justins’ comments suggests, maybe the Foreign and Commonwealth Office just haven’t got round to updating their travel advice yet:
The security situation in Iraq remains highly dangerous with a continuing high threat of terrorism throughout Iraq, violence and kidnapping targeting foreign nationals, including individuals of non-western appearance. You are strongly advised to seek professional security advice and make arrangements for your security throughout your visit.
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