Credit where it’s due

May 9th, 2008 § 0 comments

From the B3ta email 327:

CREDIT WHERE IT IS DUE – “It really grinds my gears when for example someone gets in a car wreck, they are completely fucked up, head hanging off, blood pissing everywhere.

The fire brigade spend an hour cutting them out while stood in a pool of petrol that could go up any second, and an ambulance crew keep this person alive by whatever magic they perform, again in the same environment. At the hospital a team of dedicated and overworked heroes put all their energy into saving this one life. After hours of groundbreaking surgery and months of painstaking therapy the patient once again has a semblance of a normal life.
Who do they thank for this?
They thank God and/or Jesus. Throw them back in the fucking flames.”

Damn right!

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