I realise that if Labour did go bust it would have some affects that would go bit further than just some staff claiming the dole, but it would also shake the fucking place up a bit and change the political landscape.
How about this:
Labour go bust, can’t afford to field candidates, even for a general election. The Tories get back into power, fuck things up, even quicker than Labour could’ve done, and bring on a violent, bloody revolution ending with the emergence of the Republic of the United Kingdom being announced by Fiona ‘bloody’ Bruce (why do you think she’s disappeared from our screens when until recently she was fucking everywhere? Eh? Eh?).
Into the red
June 22nd, 2008 § 2 comments
So… you mean we should support it?
If you mean support Labour? Nah, fuck ’em. If they can’t balance the books the tough.
If labour go under, I admit the Tory rule bit would be tough, but something’s gotta be done to motivate the masses and more bullshit about Daves haircuts should do the trick.
And Fiona ‘bloody’ Bruce wouldn’t be too bad. It could be worse, it could be Evan ‘sodding’ Davies.