WTF #275

June 14th, 2008 § 0 comments

Rachel North quoting the FT

The Sun, the principal media cheerleader for Gordon Brown’s contentious 42-days detention proposals, was outraged by David Davis’s resignation. A characteristically unrestrained leader in the tabloid yesterday, headlined “Crazy Davis”, fulminated against the former shadow home secretary’s “shabby act of treachery” and “petty grandstanding”.

Ms Wade and her team had on Thursday afternoon already been discussing a cunning plan to convert this print attack into a full-blown campaign battle, by approaching Rachel North, one of the survivors of the July 7 bombings, to stand against Mr Davis.
As journalists and politicians – including senior Tories but not Mr Cameron – mingled and gossiped at Ms Wade’s party, the idea gathered momentum. Mr Murdoch was among those captivated by the concept of a Sun campaign…’

Via Justin

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