DK quoting Tamsin Dunwoody from somewhere else:
Tamsin Dunwoody, Labour’s unsuccessful candidate at the recent by-election caused by the death of her mother Gwyneth, tells Mandrake that she will not put her name forward for the general election.
“It’s the hardest decision I’ve had to make in my political life,” she says. “I’d love to have done it, but the simple truth is that I can’t physically afford to move up there from west Wales with my five children and give the seat my full-time commitment.”
She adds: “I’ve not been able to find a job since losing my seat in the Welsh Assembly a year ago and I don’t have a pot of gold, so I can’t just go off and do what I want. People don’t like to employ ex-politicians, especially Labour ones like me who might unionise.”
Fucking good.
I saw her on the telly during bye-election and she came across as a smug, self-satisfied piece of shit.
We need less like her.
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