Look into my eyes

November 6th, 2008 § 3 comments

No other argument against Obama can fundamentally change the way people feel about him deep down inside, EXCEPT, proof that precisely the way they feel about him deep down inside is because of Obama’s own deception and use of hidden hypnosis.


Laugh? I nearly shat!


§ 3 Responses to Look into my eyes"

  • Mike Power says:

    Sorry, I thought my open-id details would be added. Clearly not.

    It was me !

  • Mike Power says:

    Damn. I lost the comment! What’s going on? OK start again:

    From Mike Power:

    I know a fair bit about the work of Erickson. It’s true that he used a ‘conversational’ style of trance inducement but it would be immediately obvious to an observer what he was doing and impossible to ‘implant’ such a technique in a speech. Obama did use long established rhetorical techniques to convince his listeners in the way that great speakers have for centuries. Did Churchill use ‘NLP techniques’ or Eriksonian hypnosis? Hardly, as neither had been thought up yet.

    Now, a serious look at Obama’s style of delivery, choice of phrase and body language would certainly have been very interesting on its own without the need for all this subliminal hypnosis and NLP bollocks.

  • Sim-O says:

    Hi Mike.
    Re OpenID: Long list of niggly little bits that bollox it all up which is why I did away with the need to register. I’m gonna be changing software soon, hopefully.

    re post: That’s what I was thinking, he is just a good orator. I did read somewhere that he had a style that was very recognisable as being Nation of Islam/ Louis Farrakah (sp?). How true that is, I don’t know. I can’t say I’m an avid listener of the Nation of Islam.

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