Infallible bigot

December 23rd, 2008 § 4 comments

NHS Blog Doctor:

There is no more culpable protector of paedophiles than the appalling Joe Ratzinger. He should be in jail. Sadly, he is not. He is Pope. He is therefore infallible. Comes with the job. His latest outrage is a gratuitous attack on homosexuality.

Daily Mail:

The Pope has declared that saving the world from homosexual behaviour is as important as saving the rainforests.

Tim Almond:

how well are practising homosexuals doing at “destroying man”? Post-1950 europe (largely tolerant) has seen it’s population rise only 50%


How are practising homosexuals destroying man? Do they emit large amounts of greenhouse gases or summat?

Tim Almond:

Dunno. I think Ratzy somehow hasn’t worked through the “not outbreeding straight people” part of his theory.

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