Seperated at birth?

January 30th, 2009 § 3 comments

I was watching Question Time last night and was wondering why I couldn’t really take Michael Gove seriously.

Then I saw it: Shadow Secretary for Schools, Children and Families, Michael Gove MP and comdey actor Rick Moranis.

Seperated at birth?


§ 3 Responses to Seperated at birth?"

  • Sean says:

    Crikey, yes. I’m always put off by a) the absolute shite he talks and b) the way he’s clearly (like so many other politicians in the post-Blair landscape) been coached to hold his hand in that bizarre clenched-fist-with-slight-raised-thumb gesture every single time he’s making a point, to notice his resemblance to Moranis.

    • Sim-O says:

      Hi Sean.
      Yeah, that thumb thing. It makes you want to grab it and snap it off.

      He also remind me of that bloke from the MAD comics, but I don’t know why.

  • Mike Power says:

    Oh yes! That is scary. Can’t stand the bloke (Gove, that is). ‘Orrible little man.

    Mike Power’s last blog post..The Papers

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