Dozens of rabbis and Kabbalah mystics armed with ceremonial trumpets took to the skies over Israel on Monday to battle the swine flu virus, according to local media reports
Nice one. Creep up behind the virus and blow your trumpet. That’ll scare the shit out of it and it’ll run away.
“The aim of the flight was to stop the pandemic so people will stop dying from it,” Rabbi Yitzhak Batzri was quoted as saying in the mass-circulation daily Yedioth Ahronoth.
“We are certain that, thanks to the prayer, the danger is already behind us,” added Batzri.
If the dangers already behind you, why did you bother? And doesn’t that also mean that intervention from you ghostly master was not needed?
If it was any other delusion as strong as this, that wasn’t classified as religion or sprituality, they would be removed by the men in white coats ‘for their own protection’.
via normblog
I blogged on this today but in far more hysterical and less-classy way.
.-= Daniel Hoffmann-Gill´s last blog ..FLYING JEWS DO BATTLE WITH PIG AIDS! =-.