Scores of French riot police descended early this morning on the “jungle” camp in Calais, bulldozing makeshift tents and rounding up hundreds of illegal migrants hoping to stow away on lorries to Britain.
It’s a sorry state if affairs.
We all know why illegal immigrants, asylum seekers, whatever you want to call them, want to come here to this sceptred isle. Depending on who you ask the reasons range from: work; benefits; convert us all to Islam; endangered at home; want a better life; other family already here.
These guys in the ‘jungle’ in France, though. Looking for asylum in Britain. If they get here and can get a claim going, fair enough to them. But…
All the journalists and reporters I’ve heard on this story (and I don’t claim to have heard them all) have all asked why these refugees want asylum in Britain, but never asked why they’re not claim asylum in France when they’re already in France.
Is the French system that bad? Surely they don’t all have family here?
Just an observation. That’s all.
It’s a tough one, no idea why, considering how shitty we are to people…
.-= Daniel Hoffmann-Gill´s last blog ..Meet Tory Muppet… =-.
It couldn’t be all those papers perpetuating the myth that we have open borders and give away 5 bedroom houses and £5k a month to new arrivals, could it? Nah. of course not.
Are you daring to suggest that the media that is anti-immigration and uses myths is actually creating an immigration mythology that people buy into and thus come here?
.-= Daniel Hoffmann-Gill´s last blog ..The Police Are Experimenting on People… =-.