- Did ITV2 have a hand in Peter Andre and Katie Prices’ split?
Think about it. The couple have a successful (for ITV2) fly-on-the-wall documentary series on ITV2. ITV gets it’s revenue from advertising. Why have the audience watching one programme about these two muppets when they could be watching two?
- Why does the hair on your head (and face if you’re a bloke) just keep growing?
Why does the hair on your legs/arms/pubes have hair that grows to a certain length and then stop?
some more random thoughts
July 19th, 2010 § 3 comments
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Aaron Murin-Heath, Sim-O. Sim-O said: New Post: some more random thoughts http://sim-o.me.uk/2010/07/some-more-random-thoughts/ […]
With regards to 1:
It was a happy by-product of Katie Price being an infernal harpy.
With regards to 2:
You’ll have to ask Jesus.
I tried asking Jesus but his mobile phone is turned off because he’s on a stag do in Prague, apparently.