Just a quickie as I’ve got other stuff to get on with.
Gareth F Compton is, according to his Twitter profile, a Conservative activist and councillor for Birmingham Erdington.
He has some wise words about the violence at todays student demo…
Wise words indeed…
Just saying. that’s all.
*delete as applicable
Update 23:40
Oh, look. What a surprise. Gareth has now deleted his ‘stoning’ tweet.
Update 11/11/10
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown is not happy and Gareth could be in the shit with this one…
The columnist Yasmin Alibhai-Brown has said she will report a Conservative councillor to the police after he posted a message on Twitter saying it would be a “blessing” if she was stoned to death.
What a lovely aoplogy too…
Twitter is a forum for glib comment of the moment. It was a glib comment. Who could possibly think it was serious?
“Obviously I apologise. No offence was intended.
As ever with these things, it’s not just that Gareth would do something like that, I’m sure he wouldn’t, but that someone else might take it up on themselves to act on it however remote the chance.
If someone publicly, or privately for that matter, called for my death, I’d be bloody upset too.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tim Ireland, Sim-O and Sim-O, ciaranbradley. ciaranbradley said: Hahaha @GarethFCompton -> http://bit.ly/ddApYd via @bloggerheads & @therealsim_o […]
[…] and this business with Gareth F Compton. Yeah, I said I’d be bloody upset if someone ask for me to stoned to death, but would I call […]