comment *still* not published

February 19th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

To: The Cornerstone Group
From: Sim-O
Subject: blogpost comment
Date: 18/02/2011


On Tuesday 15th of this month I left a comment on this post

Where is it?

What’s the point in having moderated comments if no one is going to check for comments and approve them?

I’m presuming that is what has happened, as opposed to someone seeing it and deciding not to publish it.


Comments housekeeping

December 20th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

I’m getting a hell of a lot of comment spam at the moment so I’m closing comments on any post over 14 days old. If that doesn’t slow down the amount of ‘awaiting moderation’ emails I’m getting then I’ll have to close them for a while. I really can’t be arsed with over 100 emails a day.

I’ve you desperately need to tell me something about an old post, which you probably won’t, you can get me on simosthoughts [AT] gmail [DOT] com.

Where Am I?

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