The BNP are pleased with themsleves.
Some councillor has siad some stuff about the BNP being contrary to everything a Welsh National hero, Orwain Glyndwr, and since then T-Shirts with Orwain and a slogan on them, printed by the BNP, have increased.
I’ve never heard of this Orwain Glyndor chap, but John Walker, the BNP National Deputy press officer to give him his full title, is quite convinced that Orain and the Nationalists are peas in a pod…
Orwain stood for the right of Wales to be Welsh, which is exactly what the BNP’s [sic] policy is
That’s not quite correct though, John. Is it? There’s a little more to it than that.
The BNP support the right for the home nations to be Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish as long as they adopt the BNPs’ version of their national identity.
The BNP do not support a Welshmans right to be any religion except Christian. Apparently, Christianity is the indigenous religion of these Isles. Why else would they make a big deal of how many mosques there are in Wales.
38 apparently. Handily, the BNP post lists them all. Why would they do that, I wonder? What does it matter where these mosques are. Why would the BNP list, for it’s readers, the addresses, including postcodes, of every mosque in Wales, when BNP members are probably the least likely to go visiting?
I hope no ones going to try to persuade some Welsh people to be more Welsh.