For those that don’t know, a ‘backorder’ is when you order something from a company and they don’t have it in stock, they get it in and send it when they have it.
To me that sounds an eminently sensible way to carry on. The customer gets what they want and the company keeps a sale.
Why then, am I encountering more and more companies that ‘don’t do backorders’? I thought in this climate of trying to get money out of people, keeping customer loyalty by not giving them a reason to go elsewhere, ‘doing’ backorders would be a must.
Strange, huh?
Typical UK low productivity and anti-customer logic.
It’s not even like I’m an end-user/retail customer.
I’m trying to buy within the trade. I now have to remember to ring up when they tell me they are gonna have the parts and then if they’ve only got a few hope no one else gets in there first.