What’s the point?

June 9th, 2008 § 0 comments § permalink

What’s the point? Just what is the point in trying to do or get anything done when you’re battling an organisation that does this?

Via DK

test post

June 8th, 2008 § 0 comments § permalink

blah blah blah

Duty Calls

June 8th, 2008 § 0 comments § permalink

Five more minutes. Poor souls can't be left being wrong.

June 7th, 2008 § 0 comments § permalink

The Reg:

The 36-kilometer long Hangzhou Bay Bridge was opened to the public last month, and is considered the longest sea-crossing bridge in the world. Oh wonderful. People love big landmarks.

» Read the rest of this entry «

Candygram for Obi!!

June 6th, 2008 § 0 comments § permalink

I was just taking a stroll through teh internets when I happened to come across this.
It’s a site where you can self publish stuff, and naturally enough Joseph Chikelue Obi is selling some of his publications.

In the side bar with his profile is a link titled “Send this user a message”. And, well, it’d be rude not to…

Questions asked of Joseph Obi

Also, in the description of the first book on the page linked to, ‘Self Care with Professor Obi’, I like the line

Become a Fairly Safe Expert in Self Care

A fairly safe expert?

The rape of Iraq

June 6th, 2008 § 0 comments § permalink

Ten Percent: The rape of Iraq: Bribed with it’s own money

via Bloggerheads

Are there any Blairs that aren’t cu twats?

June 6th, 2008 § 0 comments § permalink


Sir Ian Blair called for a change in policy by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and urged it to increase the number of prosecutions.

In reply the CPS said it pressed charges when it was offered sufficient police evidence, and said Sir Ian had “totally” misunderstood the law.

‘Totally misunderstood the law’!? He’s the top cpper in the land! What fucking chance have the rest of us got?

With all due respect, Sir Ian, Fuck off.

[Kate Moss] escaped prosecution because police were unable to prove what substance she was allegedly using in a west London recording studio.

There it is Ian, the need for proof. Part of the basics of getting a prosecution in this country. You cannot prosecute someone on the evidence of a photo alone. Photos do lie.
Could you tell the difference between a spliff made with weed and one laced with speed from a photo? Could you distinguish between picture of a line of coke and a chopped up ecstasy pill? I couldn’t and I’ve done bucket fulls of the stuff.

The other main thrust of this is, who decides who a celebrity is? Who decides when the next level of celebrity has been attained so we know how much proof is needed to bang them up? You, Sir Ian? I fucking hope not.

Nevermind what implications it would have for other types of images that depict stuff that is illegal but never happened.

Celebrities are ordinary people. most of them twats, but still just people and should be treated equal before the law with regards to the level of proof required to secure a conviction.

Hitchen slaps Milliband (QT)

June 6th, 2008 § 0 comments § permalink

I had heard of the Hitchens brothers, nothing favourable at all, drunk, rightwing, ex-socialists, one of them died(?), that sort of thing.
I’ve probably read a column that one of them has written, a long time ago, so I on’t really know if the things I’ve heard are true or which is which.
But, last nights Question Time had Peter Hitchen and David Milliband on the panel. And Peter didn’t seem too bad.

Go to Mike Powers post to see why.

A little bit of logic

June 6th, 2008 § 0 comments § permalink

The Daily Mash:

“The prime minister keeps saying there are 2000 active terrorists in the UK, engaged in 30 active plots.
“But the thing I don’t quite get is, if the government knows for a fact there are 2000 terrorists and 30 plots, then how come there aren’t 2000 terrorists in prison and no plots?”
…if you can count them then – surely to Christ – you can arrest them?”

Iraq 2.0

June 5th, 2008 § 0 comments § permalink

The Independent:

…US troops would occupy permanent bases, conduct military operations, arrest Iraqis and enjoy immunity from Iraqi law…

So, is this like, “New, improved! Iraq 2.0, with integrated Americans”?

Via Manic

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