A childish moment

July 25th, 2008 § 0 comments § permalink

Call me childish, but there’s something amusing about Iain Dale having fraud monitoring on his browser…

The wickipedia entry is quite amusing too.

[[image:glasgow_east_election.jpg:Glasgow East Election:center:0]]

I’m Dave Walker and so’s my wife

July 25th, 2008 § 0 comments § permalink

Dave Walker of The Cartoon Blog has been order to cease and desist letter by a Texas owned bookshop owner resulting Dave having to remove 75 post that have been about the situation closing down discussion.
I’ve read some stuff, and it’s quite complicated (to me anyway), but Matt Ward seems to be the chap overseeing it, with lots of links and stuff here, and Unity doing his usual of making things a bit clearer. Or not.

It’s a bit complicated so read Matt and Unities posts, because it’s pointless me repeating it here and making a mess of it.


Wanting to be helpful, rather than just speak up, I have saved the first 9 pages of the google results until google said the rest were omitted because of similarities.

I don’t know if I’ve wasted my time or not but if someone wants it, email me and I’ll send the link.


Who’s Posted about Mark Brewer’s Cease and Desist Notice to Dave Walker

  1. St Aidan to Abbey Manor – David Keen – Vicar (Yeovil)
  2. The Wardman Wire – Matt Wardman (audio of BBC interview from 12/2007)
  3. Gentle Wisdom – Peter Kirk
  4. Bishop Alan’s Blog – Alan Wilson, Area Bishop of Buckingham
  5. Blogula-Rasa – Ginny (detailed – worth a read)
  6. Metacatholic – Doug Chaplin – Vicar (West Midlands)
  7. Of course, I could be wrong – Madpriest – Priest (somewhere in England)
  8. Seven whole days – Scott Gunn – Parish Priest (Rhode Island) and Lambeth Conference.
  9. Thinking Anglicans – Simon Kershaw – Cambridge, England (likely to follow further press coverage)
  10. The Jewish Blog Network – How to recover deleted pages. Firefox Resurrect Pages add-on.
  11. Lingamish – Blogger Bludgeoned by Bozos – David Ker – Mozambique. Kudos for the cartoon above.
  12. [Update: 23/07/2008] SPCK Watch – Gagging attempts by Mark Brewer – SPCK Watch. (Somewhere in Europe). Whole blog devoted to SPCK saga.
  13. [Update: 23/07/2008] Elizaphanian – We are all Dave Walkers now – Sam Norton, Rector of West Mersea, Essex. Suggests that we reposts Dave’s ex-posts from Google Cache
  14. [Update: 23/07/2008]Mad Hare – Solidarity post – SPCK/SSG and Dave Walker (New Mexico : United States).
  15. [Update:24/07/2008 AM]The Cartoon Blog – Cease and Desist Demand from Mark Brewer Dave’s original post – now gone
  16. [Update:24/07/2008 AM]GOD, CHRIST: QUESTIONS & FAITH – More and More on the Exploding SPCK Story & Dave Walker’s Cartoon Church Blog Check out the illustration from the 1950s
  17. [Update:24/07/2008 AM]Saintly Ramblings – Dave Walker Solidarity Post
  18. [Update:24/07/2008 AM]SPCK/SSG: News, Notes & Info – Comments on Moderation Expect comment when owner returns from holiday
  19. [Update:24/07/2008 AM]PamBG’s Blog – Those Christian Bookshops
  20. [Update:24/07/2008 AM]Scatter Cushions – Nothing like like having an informed debate
  21. [Update:24/07/2008 AM]connexions – Cartoon blogger silenced
  22. [Update:24/07/2008 AM]Turbulent Cleric – Libel law used as censorship Reflections on the Craig Murray case
  23. [Update:24/07/2008 AM]Exigency In Specie – Bullying the Bloggers Southern England
  24. [Update:24/07/2008 AM]Asingleblog – Brewers are challenged in court More detail on the attempt to put SPCK UK into Chapter 11 in the USA
  25. [Update:24/07/2008 AM]Philip’s Tree House – I’m also Dave Walker
  26. [Update:24/07/2008 AM]John Inbetween – Yet another Dave Walker
  27. [Update:24/07/2008 AM]Wormwood’s Doxy – Because there’s nothing I hate more than a bully….Standing up for Dave Walker & SPCK
  28. [Update:25/07/2008 AM]Dave Cole – I’m Dave Walker
  29. [Update:25/07/2008 AM]Ministry of Truth – SPCK owner seeks US bankruptcy protection for UK charity KEY POST – Digging into the Brewer “Legal Manoeuvres in the Dark”
  30. [Update:25/07/2008 AM]Blogpower – Defending the Blog – Blogpower Roundup – The Civil Liberties Edition Civil Liberties Roundup – Understand the Wider Issues
  31. [Update:25/07/2008 AM]Brainducks Weblog – Cartoon Church blog target of legal bullying
  32. [Update:25/07/2008 AM]D-Notice – D-Notice: Religious Nuts
  33. [Update:25/07/2008 AM]Back Towards The Locus – “Come Together, Raaaayt Nahahow, Over A Bullying Bookshop Chain”
  34. [Update:25/07/2008 AM]Sim-O Random Thoughts – I’m Dave Walker and so’s my wife
  35. [Update:25/07/2008 AM]Safety Photo – Dave Walker Cease and Desist Notice
  36. The original copy of this list is on the Wardman Wire here.


The recession bites hard

July 24th, 2008 § 0 comments § permalink

At one point, Myler [News of the World Editor] told Price [Max Mosleys’ QC] that the paper’s mole, Woman E, the dominatrix who secretly filmed the session, didn’t receive the £25,000 she was originally offered, because “we are in a credit crunch, Mr Price”.

Iris Robinson MP

July 24th, 2008 § 0 comments § permalink

[[image:iris_robinson.jpg:Iris Robinson:left:0]]

There can be no viler act, apart from homosexuality and sodomy, than sexually abusing innocent children


Car crash comments

July 23rd, 2008 § 0 comments § permalink

You know when you see a car crash, or something else really fucking horrible, and you really don’t want to look but somehow you can’t stop looking? Well that’s what the comments are like on this story in The Mail about a Polish tourist that died, apparently, from taking a leak on a railway line.

Perhaps having some manners would have saved this man – behaving like a savage and weeing in the street was his downfall. Now if only we could find a way to electrocute all those who insist on urinating in the street London would be a far nicer place!

– Anne, London, 22/7/2008 11:19

The price of stupidity is death! This is a prime candidate for the Darwin Awards.

– Alan G, Reading, UK, 22/7/2008 12:32

Yes Anne, men who pee all over the street, pavement, parks etc are all too common, and not only in London but all over the country! It is nothing to do with the lack of toilets, women manage so men can also manage if they choose, but they come out of pubs (with several toilets) and cross the road on the way to a nightclub (with several toilets) and pee all over the pavement or park on their way.

It is disgusting and unhygienic. They retort that it is “just nature” when challenged but if there was any truth to that, there would also be women acting likewise!!!

It is only men who behave in such a stone age manner, and authorities including the police turn a blind eye, as they are all controlled by men. People take more notice of dogs’ toilet behaviour in public than men’s.

In the 21st century it is high time something serious was done about this disgusting practice by men, perhaps electrocution would bring them up to the standard of women!

– Hannah, uk, 22/7/2008 12:49

Anne does at first come across harsh, but I have to say that I once saw a young man sleeping in a sleeping bag on a bench at my local station who got up out of bed (sleeping bag) ranting and raving the F word as it was wet & windy, before proceeding to stagger to the edge of the train line in bare feet and urinate into the track.

This was joyful to witness after just having breakfast and preparing for the rigours of a London commute.

Such pond life needs to eliminated for the sake of a strong future gene pool and I’m right there with Anne in that case!

– Dean, Swanley, 22/7/2008 14:26

Because all foreigners are animals that should learn some manners and homeless people should be disposed of and not helped out of their situation.



Illegal education

July 23rd, 2008 § 0 comments § permalink

The terrorist threat. It’s time to shit yer pants again.

This time it’s because thousands of kids all over the country are being given terrorist training, by the state, right under our noses. And we are forced to send our kids to these training camps 5 days a week!
Where are these training camps? How can we be sending our kids to them with out realising it for all this time?
The answer, is because they are very cleverly disguised as schools.

Well, that’s according to the home secretary anyway, who has had a control order preventing the study of AS level human biology and chemistry by a suspected terrorist, ‘AE’, upheld.

As Lee Griffin says:

Expect these subjects to be strictly off curriculum by 2010 along with P.E (encourages too much physical contact, something proven to be important in all knife crime), English (teaches you to say things that might offend another person) and Electronics/Computer science (for the obvious connections to easy routes to terrorism).

I mean…seriously? There is nothing so sacred in the teachings of the narrow curriculum in this country that cannot be learned outside of educational authority walls. What the home secretary is requesting is beyond ridiculous and in all fairness just gives the impression to me of her complete moronic nature.

Why should this suspect be restricted in his studies?

UK Liberty points out, this chap might not be quite such an innocent angel, because among the report is the statement

the Secretary of State had reasonable grounds to believe first that AE had received terrorist training and had taken part in terrorist activities

In which case prosecute he needs prosecuting. Then he will either be locked up or free to carry on his life.

‘Suspect’ has become a term for someone on the nether world, neither a free man or a convict. They can have their rights and movements restricted, who they can associate with, what they can read and what format they read it in. All controlled by the apparatus of the state. For as long as the state deems necessary. To be labelled ‘suspect’ is on par if not worse than a gypsy. Calls for terrorist suspects to be deported and such when they have not been convicted of anything.

There is nothing to stop a convict from studying law whilst in prison, to help him if he gets caught next time, and the convict has a track record of breaking the law, but the suspect lives in a no-mans’ land.



July 22nd, 2008 § 0 comments § permalink

This is the one that blows your guts up

Surely matey should be wearing a white coat, not a wetsuit?

ID cards already redundant

July 21st, 2008 § 2 comments § permalink


A new hand held device which checks fingerprints is being used by police in Derbyshire, it has been confirmed.

The Lantern, which is roughly the size of a small shoebox, can check the identity of an individual against police records in two minutes.

More worryingly

“Secondly, in normal circumstances if a person stopped is unable to verify who they are they are arrested, taken to a police station and have their fingerprints taken in custody


Aim high

July 21st, 2008 § 0 comments § permalink

On a nursery wall:
[[image:goals.jpg:nursery boards:center:0]]
“[[popup:goals2.jpg:Achieve economic well-being:aiming high:1:left]]”? A little bit over confident, me thinks.

Bullying banks & sick solicitors

July 21st, 2008 § 0 comments § permalink

The Mail:

In an extraordinary six-month campaign of legal threats, Northern Rock has been pursuing Andrew Kirkland, a 26-year-old systems analyst, claiming he is responsible for leaking details about the huge bonuses secretly awarded to its bosses along with plans to close branches and freeze assets.

MP is demanding a Parliamentary debate into why Northern Rock, which was nationalised in February, has spent at least £130,000 of taxpayers’ money pursuing
a junior employee on charges he denies, but which in any event involve matters of public interest.

Kevan Jones, Labour MP for North Durham, told Parliament last week the bank had no business attacking a ‘whistleblower who exposed the outrageous bonuses the previous management were paying themselves’.

Mr Kirkland, who worked for the bank for four years, has always denied he was the source of these articles.

But since January, he says Schillings has bombarded him with phone calls, letters and emails aimed at making him accept an agreement.

In the proposed deal, the bank said it would drop disciplinary proceedings and waive damages if Mr Kirkland would be potentially liable for its legal costs of £130,000 which, it warns, could increase at a later stage.

He would have his resignation accepted, but would have to keep the terms of the agreement confidential.

In May, Mr Kirkland made a formal complaint to Northern Rock that its legal pursuit of him while he was signed off sick was unjustified.

He says he has now received a High Court writ from Schillings claiming the cost of all legal proceedings brought against him and damages done to the bank’s reputation.

Northern Rock is likely to know Mr Kirkland is currently homeless and has minimal assets.

His starting salary in 2004 was only £10,100 per annum although it had risen.

Mr Kirkland is unable to find a solicitor to take on his case but the bit that shows the level that these guys operate at is this one [my bold]:

Mr Kirkland claims he has been left a psychological wreck and, after being told he was not allowed to write to MPs asking for help


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